Census of Computers (June 30, 1969)

From Selected Computer Articles: March 1971, Compiled by the Department of Defense Computer Institute.


Some 70,000 computers were installed in the U.S. at the end of last year, according to this census taken June 30, 1969 by the Diebold Group, Inc. The graph at left projects the computer industry's growth to 1975. The graph on page 81 shows hardware component costs as a percentage of total systems cost. The Diebold Computer Census appears twice a year in the fortnightly ADP Newsletter published by Management Science Publishing, Inc., 430 Park Ave., New York 10022.

Manufacturer Model Installations No longer in production On Order (Estimated)
Burroughs 205 4 * 500
220 13 *
B 200 Series 326
B 100 Series 80 *
B 300 630
B 2500 80
B 3500 210
B 5500 150
B 500 50
B 6500 0
B 7500 0
B 8500 0
Business Information Technology, Inc. BIT 480, 483 140 120
Computer Automation, Inc. 208, 808 105 430
216, 816 35
Control Data Corp. G-15 210 * 175
G-20 15 *
LGP-21 130 *
LGP-30 200 *
RPC-4000 50 *
160, 160A, 160G 420 *
924, 924A 25 *
1604, 1604A 50 *
3200 50 *
3400 12 *
3600 30 *
1700 140
3100/3150 150
3300 150
3500 50
3800 35
6400/6500 70
6600 70
6700 0
7600 1
Data General Corp. Nova 69 800
Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-1 54 * 900
PDP-4 28 *
PDP-5 93 *
PDP-6 19 *
PDP-7 86 *
PDP-8 Series 3,834
PDP-9 Series 342
PDP-10 Series 91
LINC-8 148
PDP-12 12
PDP-15 0
Electronic Associates, Inc. 8400 30 5
640 80
PDS 1020 120 *
EMR Computer Div. ASI 210 20 * 12
ASI 2100 7 *
Advance 6020 24
Advance 6040 10
Advance 6050 17
Advance 6070 9
Advance 6130 65
General Automation, Inc. SPC 8, 12 400 250
GA 18/30 0
General Electric Co. Series 100 300 300
Series 200 250
Series 400 350
Series 600 80
GE/PAC 4020 65
GE/PAC 4040 45
GE/PAC 4050 20
GE/PAC 4060 20
GE/PAC 30 Series 0
Hewlett-Packard Co. HP-2114A, 2115A,2116A, B 400 100
Honeywell EDP Div. H 400 55 * 600
H 800 65 *
H 1800 20 *
H 1400 7 *
H 200/110, 120, 125 950
H 200/200 980
H 200/1200, 1250 285
H 200/2200 110
H 200/4200 7
H 200/3200 0
H 200/8200 2
Honeywell Computer Control Div. DDP-24 99 *
DDP-116 230
DDP-124 90
DDP-224 60
DDP-516 340
H 316 10
H 324 0
DDP-416 0
H 632 9
Interdata, Inc. Model 2 11 40
Model 3 95
Model 4, 14 89
International Business Machines Corp. 305 75 * 8,800
650 100 *
1401 4,000 *
1401-G 9,000 *
1460 700 *
702 1 *
7030 7 *
704 20 *
705 30 *
7070, 7072, 7074 200 *
7080 75 *
709 3 *
7090 20 *
1410 480 *
1440 1,680 *
1620, I, II 900 *
7010 150 *
7040 70 *
7044 80 *
7094 100 *
7094 II 100 *
360/20 7,700
360/30 7,000
360/40 3,500
360/50 1,500
360/65 450
360/67 50
360/75 45
360/90 Series 10
1130 3,400
1401-H 395
1800 550
360/25 1,200
System 3 0
360/85 0
360/195 0
Lockheed Electronics Co. Mac-16 50 250
Motorola Instrumentation & Control, Inc. MDP 1000 23 50
National Cash Register Co. 304 20 * 550
310 10 *
390 400 *
315 500
315 RMC 125
500 1,700
Century 100 175
Century 200 4
RCA 301 430 * 180
3301 70 *
501 80 *
601 3
Spectra 70/15 175
Spectra 70/25 115
Spectra 70/35 160
Spectra 70/45 225
Spectra 70/55 25
Spectra 70/46 10
Spectra 70/60 0
Spectra 70/61 0
Raytheon Computer 250 130 * 100
440 17 *
520 23
703 150
706 8
Redcor Corp. Redcor 70 40 155
Scientific Control Corp. 650, 655 125 80
660, 670 35
4700 5
6700 1
Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 810 24 * 71
840 3 *
810 A 137
840 A 33
840 MP 20
810 B 34
System 86 0
System 88 0
Univac Div., Sperry Rand Corp. I, II 15 * 450
III 45 *
File 9 *
SS 80, 90 Step 120 *
1101-1105 8 *
1107 20 *
Larc 2 *
1004 1,900 *
418 145
490 Series 225
1005 995
1050 260
1108 175
9200 I, II 270
9300 I, II 155
1106 0
9400 0
Varian Data Machines 620, 620i 650 1,350
520i 50
Westinghouse Electric Corp. Prodac 50, 250, 500 210 12
P 2000 0
Xerox Data Systems SDS-92 85 * 120
SDS-910 170 *
SDS-920 140 *
SDS-925 40 *
SDS-930 190 *
SDS-9300 30 *
SDS-940 60
Sigma 2 210
Sigma 5 110
Sigma 7 60
CE 16 0
Other Manufacturers 300
TOTAL 62,077 17,200


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