Merle S. Insinga
Black & White
Games & Crafts
Copyright © 2004
Merle S. Insinga
 The Candle 
The Candle
"The Power of Light"
By Isaac Bashevis Singer
Cricket (December, 1996)
Media: Scratchboard
"The Power of Light" was an intense assignment to create pieces for, given that the majority of the story was set during the fall of the Warsaw Ghetto. I tried to set the illustrations for this story within the larger context of Jewish history, incorporating images and symbols associated with Hannukah - the drawings in the corners of this piece being for instance different styles of Hannukah lamps from throughout history. Also included in the borders are the Hebrew texts for the three prayers traditionally recited while lighting the Hannukah candles. The prayer accompanying this illustration, a piece showing the two young people hiding in a bombed out cellar reads: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, King of the universe, who hast sanctified us by Thy precepts, and hast enjoined upon us the kindling of the Hannukah light."